February 21, 2025

Tweed Shire Council means business

Murwillumbah 17 May 2013. No to pay parking, yes to rail trail and full brume ahead withpro-business programs Profitable development was top of the docket at last night’s Tweed Shire Council meeting, with a raft of opinions set to give a boost to the original frugality Two programs aimed at encouraging and supporting being and new Tweed businesses have been placed on exhibition for public comment.

The Draft Business Investment Policy provides investment impulses for new, shifting or expanding businesses within the Tweed Shire, while a draft correction to Council’s Procurement Policy will allow Council to give preference to original businesses, as well as recognising businesses in our neighbouring original government areas on both sides of the border, when Council purchases goods and services The Mayor of Tweed, Councillor Barry Longland, said profitable development is high on Council’s docket and these two draft programs erected on a range ofpro-business enterprise introduced at the April Council meeting.

“We have seen more positive way for profitable development and business support in the last two meetings than we have seen in the last time,”Councillor Longland said The Draft Business Investment Policy provides investment impulses for new, shifting or expanding businesses within the Tweed Shire.

“Attracting new businesses to the Tweed is critical to boosting the original frugality and enhancing job openings,”Councillor Longland said The relinquishment of this policy would affect in Tweed Shire Council taking visionary measures in agreement with the espoused Community Strategic Plan under the Strengthening the Economy theme, with a longer term view of adding profitable exertion, leading to original job creation.”

This would be achieved through impulses which allow payment by investiture of inventor benefactions for water force and seamster services structure (if that structure is formerly in place). There are also options for delayed payment of road benefactions Meanwhile, original businesses (and businesses employing Tweed residers) may be more likely to win Council business for the force of goods and services if the emendations to Council’s Procurement Policy are espoused, following exhibition for public comment from assiduity stakeholders and the general public.

“In2011/2012, Council carried goods and services to the tune of$99.13 million with$25.35 million of that sourced from suppliers in the Tweed Shire-that represents25.6 per cent,”Councillor Longland said Our current Procurement Policy does not allow us to favour original businesses so the draft emendations will go a long way to revenging that balance.

“In simple terms, we are looking to borrow a original preference policy which will give up to a 10 per cent weighting towards original businesses extending or quoting to supply Council goods or services above$ in value, as well as furnishing some weighting to businesses for neighbouring council areas There are pitfalls to this approach, so we are also doing profitable modelling of the likely fiscal impacts and having the policy emendations scrutinised by our Inspection Committee and external adjudicators,”he said.

In other good news, Council has thrown its support behind the rail trail conception for the rejected Summerhouse-Murwillumbah rail line I’ve preliminarily come out in support of the rail trail conception but it’s heartening to have the backing of my fellow Councillors. as we will now can do everything we can as a Council to make this a reality at some time in the future,”Councillor Longland said.

“The profitable benefits this would bring are substantial and we’re in the high spot to profit due to our propinquity to the Gold Coast Airport and the launch of the line being located in Murwillumbah And incipiently, the conception of pay parking in the Tweed is no more, following a decisive move to abandon the idea at last night’s meeting.

“The idea of pay parking in the Tweed was put on the table by the former General Manager. At the time, some of the Councillors were enticed, seeing it as an answer to furnishing backing to maintain installations in these points,”he said I’m really pleased that after consideration and a lot of community input, Councillors unanimously saw fit to put an end to it last night.”

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